Artiste peintre professionnelle, Stages Aquarelle, Stages Huile

The exhibitions

The exhibitions of the moment

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Nothing can replace the real contact with the work of art…this unexpected moment when the magic happens…

Its colors, its volumes, the universe in which it brings us…it is unique…and it is what makes us suddenly “in love” with this work which will never really leave our mind so much it has enveloped us…


The permanentexhibitions

In Art galleries

Art galleries know better than anyone else how to talk about the work of the artists they represent... it is their job, their know-how.

They are a guarantee of seriousness, but also and above all they know how to talk about the artist without a filter, and to answer all questions about the art world, the value of quotation, the international market etc... because if in addition to the artist's favorite, the chosen artist is quoted, the investment will be doubly successful...

The occasional exhibitions

Solo exhibtions, Art shows...

These are the moments when we will find the work and the artist...

Not so simple for the artist to leave his studio, to pass to this other stage, more external...
It is above all for me the occasion of meetings and exchanges, where my work after long months, even years, will be updated, naked, and where the artist as his work will be confronted with the outside view...

Where find my paintings ?

Different types of exhibitions

It is the moment for the work to meet its public...after months of preparation in the workshop, it takes does not belong to me any more...It is the public which seizes it and returns to him its glance...

Exhibited in art galleries all over France, and internationally, several galleries represent me both permanently, and others, during occasional exhibitions.

Corinne VILCAZ exposée au Japon
Corinne VILCAZ in exhibition in Japan

Exhibited in art galleries all over France, and internationally, several galleries represent me both permanently, and others, during occasional exhibitions.

Exposition Galeries Corinne Vilcaz
Exhibition in galleries

Represented by my agents abroad, the public will be able to find my works in contemporary art fairs in various countries in Asia, Europe, or across the Atlantic…

Art busan  Art show

I participate each year in a few contemporary art fairs. Open to all public, the fairs with which I expose are reserved to the professional artists, guarantee for the customer. They are the moment to meet the art and its novelties of the moment, to find its public in direct, and the “colleagues” artists by the same occasion…

 Corinne Vilcaz au Salon Art Contemporain de Toulouse
Corinne Vilcaz at Toulouse Contemporary Art Fair

In places intended for exhibitions, I place my easels and paintings on the walls of various places in France: Art centers, Museums, Exhibition rooms etc… A little everywhere in France, at the bend of a chapel, or a big art center, you will be able to find my works and myself for a few days.
It is also an opportunity to carry out personalized projects, unique and in collaboration with art sites open to particular proposals such as this carte blanche to Corinne Vilcaz and her garden Extrart’ordinaire: more than a hundred works on 200 M2, entirely revisited for this 1st INSTALLATION SCENOGRAPHIQUE VEGETALISEE D’ART FIGURATIF DE FRANCE.
Nothing better than to subscribe to my quarterly Newsletter, to be informed of the next exhibition places and even to receive an invitation card to the opening…

Exposition personnelle Boé
Solo Exhibition Boé

Online sales, secured, certified by certificate of authenticity, and invoice to the key, are of these new means of access to art. Easy, direct and without risk since my works are sold either by my galleries themselves who use online sales sites reserved for galleries, or via my own online sales store on this site, or on secure sites that I have chosen to represent me, and allow people far away to acquire one of my works with delivery to their home…


1st scenographic installation of figurative art in France

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The city of Boé (47) gave me the honor to give me “carte blanche” for a personalized exhibition, that I wanted to present in the form of an installation, like a dive into my world of Ordinary Art, in which the living has its place in all its essence, hence the title Art’boressence with two “S”.
I have created the 1st scenographic installation of figurative art in France…

Beautiful meetings

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