Art'niversaire Vilcaz
25 years of career
A great thank you
In this very special year, I had in heart to celebrate this event as it should be, to make of it a firework of exhibitions, animations and surprises... and the occasion to say THANK YOU. Thank you to all of you who have trusted me and who have accompanied, followed and supported me during all these 25 years.

The work of a lifetime
25 years of career...
It is already a great opportunity for a professional artist to have succeeded in a career as a painter ... then to be able to celebrate its 25 years, it is for me an honor ...
That's why I had in heart to celebrate them in multiple ways all along this Art'niversary year, as well as eventful, as artistic, to which I invite you to join to share together these unpublished moments!
A festival of exhibitions
A festival of events

Contest game
Spécial 25 years
Unpublished! the national contest with lots of original works to win, gift boxes, VIP meals …
The surprise
An appointment not to be missed !
For all and all, I invite you to discover soon the surprise that I concocted for you…you will love it!

Back on
25 years of career
It is with a lot of emotion that I look back on my 25 years of career, which have passed like a shooting star…
Great moments have marked out my artistic course, with the very first galleries which trusted me at my beginnings…like these meetings and incredible situations which marked out my course…I think of this American gallery owner, in trip in Paris, having discovered one of my works on a magazine of Art…after all these years, our beautiful collaboration always continues…
The chance to exhibit at the Grand Palais in Paris…and my throat tightened with emotions to exhibit in this legendary place where I was spotted by a Japanese agent and gallery owner…this was the beginning of the Great Adventure to Japan where I still exhibit today…
Sans parler de mes expositions au prestigieux Carrousel du Louvre avec en ouverture le Président de la République en personne, et où j’ai été honorée du titre de Sociétaire de la Société Nationale des Beaux-arts de Paris.
Jalonné de moments forts, de rencontres incroyables, de coups de chance…de galeries en galeries j’ai d’abord été exposée en France, puis aux Usa, en Europe, en Asie… de salons en salons, d’expositions collectives dont on devient un jour invitée d’honneur en expositions personnelles, peu à peu mon parcours s’est agrandi…
Sur cette belle lancée, en 2012 un premier livre d’artiste a vu le jour…et aujourd’hui cet ouvrage « collector », témoin de toutes ces 25 années…
25 ans de carrière, c’est un peu comme déjà l’œuvre d’une Vie, que j’ai eu envie de partager avec vous en cette année Art’niversaire…et continuer par la suite, à œuvrer pour celle-ci…