Artiste peintre professionnelle, Stages Aquarelle, Stages Huile

Watercolour Courses

Watercolour painting classes

Let's present

Watercolour in wet on wet technique

Aquarelle Corinne Vilcaz

In my own practice, as well as in my painting classes, I practice watercolour in wet on wet technique, a technique that gives watercolour fluidity and free expression…

Thanks to water, we create fusion of colours and wonderful pigment mixtures… So water itself is our travel, making light appear with  the white colour of the paper…

In watercolour with wet on wet technique, each element is one of the whole…We work individually with each element to make it mug with the whole…



Safely and slowly, you will step out of your confort zone, to push yourself to your limit, and develop your inner skins…no way, it’s worth the money…

A method of expression

Painting activity is a good method to express one’s creativity. Practicing painting is offering self worth and pleasure, forgetting one’s day to day life and leave the class with increased confidence…

Listens to people and caring

Listening to people in taking care at their needth is essential for a good class work…that way collective activities happen in trust and goodness towards others and oneself…

Watercolour classes

location and dates

09-10 March 2024 and 18-19-20 May 2024 Watercolour Aquitaine

16>21 June 2024 Watercolour course in Provence

15>18 July 2024 and 12>15 August 2024 Watercolour course Aquitaine

07>12 July 2024 Watercolour class Brettany 2024

15>19 September 2024 Watercolour class – Charentes-Oléron

Look no further...

You are at the right place

Have a look at the advices and make sure you are the right person at the right place...😀 

Water-colour class : That's the very first time I've efficiently been learning wet on wet technique after many years of unsuccessfull attemps...See you very soon for a next class. Regards...

Véronique D. Water-colour class in Bretany

Water-colour class : A formidable level of perfection for that class. I was impressed by your effecient pedagogy and your available willingness towards each one's personality. Learn that way can only be efficient and pleasant. Very stimulating and full of kindness. Thank you for your welcoming !

Frédérique B. Water-colour class in Aquitaine

Water-colour class. Thank you for that discovery of water-coulour in wet on wet technique. Thank you for your welcoming, your kindness to each, and the good ambiance of the class...I'll be so happy to make one other next class with you...With my very sincere regards. Véronique L.

Véronique L. Water-coulour class in Bretany

Water-colour class : I very much liked those three painting class days. Intense and full of learnings. The rythm and the content, all was on top... and Corinne is a very generous and friendly artist. I'm so happy of that meeting. Sure I recomand Corinne's painting classes with pleasure ! Ségolène C.

Ségolène C. Water-coulour class in Nouvelle Aquitaine

Water-colour class. Thank you Corinne for that three days painting class. Time passed so fast and I spent so pleasant time. I came to learn and I'm returning with plenty of new knowledge...You are very carefull to each, and generous in your transmission and explanations. Thank you for everything ! Ghislaine N.

Ghislaine N. Water-colour class in Nouvelle Aquitaine

Watercolour or oil on canvas

How choose what corresponds most

For your first painting course, how choose between water-colour and oil on canvas ?
Let me give you some principal differences to help your choice…



Watercolour is fluid and light, playing with transparancy and sweetness.
Oil paint is a thick medium, giving a solid and denser result…


Paper and brushes we use for watercolour are easy to clean and transport  and not bulky… 
Oil paint, needs a canvas and an easel to paint with, and  drying time before transport.


Unlike what people often think, oil paint is easier to practice than watercolour in wet on wet technique…

But what is most important

What is most important is NOT difficulty of the technique, or transport, or whatever… What is most important is how you feel when looking at a water-colour painting or an oil on canvas painting… Which technique attracts you most…

Take a minute…

Close your eyes, take a deep breath…

Open them again, and look at these two paintings…

Which one touches you most ?…Which one leaves you something substantial behind ?…

Here we are…now you know ! So…?

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