Artiste peintre professionnelle, Stages Aquarelle, Stages Huile


Explore My Art, Explore Your Heart

I'm so grateful after so many years of exhibitions in art galleries and art spaces for the extraordinary humain link that exists between people and my paintings...

An Art piece is much more than a decorative item...That's a true meeting, a real crush between an artwork and one person...

And this exceptional indescribable feeling immerses yourself into the artist's story, his own universe and his a word, his own life...

Let's discover

Watercolour in wet on wet technique

A specific technique where water is the major actor to give lightness and transparancy to the water colour artwork...

Let's discover

Oil on canvas paintings

How do we define my artworks ?...A contemporary composition, with a small touch of impressionism in suggested subjects and abstract backgrounds...f

The spring "crushing prices"...

The artist's selection

What about that artist's selection ?...It's a number of artworks, specifically chosen for you,  and proposed at a lower "crushing price" in a limited time...A great opportinity to find on's great crush...

What about at home ?...

Ask for your on-site artswork

Send a picture of the place to put the artwork and you receive the picture of that artwork incrusted into your picture...Easy to have a good picture of the home sweet home !

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